Joe Dewhurst
University of Edinburgh
Juni 2018
Joe Dewhurst obtained his PhD in philosophy in 2017 at the University of Edinburgh, where his doctoral research looked at the relationship betwen common-sense intuitions and scientific theories in contemporary cognitive science. He is currently a teaching assistant at the same institution, but from October 2018 he will be joining the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy as a postdoctoral researcher. His project there will be focused primarily on the nature of mechanistic explanations in biology and cognitive science, but he also works on the history of cognitive science and foundational issues in philosophy of computation. His key publications include "Individuation Without Representation" (2018, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science), "Enactive Autonomy in Computational Systems" (2018, Synthese), and "Curtain Call at the Cartesian Theatre" (2015, Journal of Consciousness Studies). During June 2018 he will be working on topics relating to folk psychology and situated cognition with the Situated Cognition Research Group headed by Tobias Schlicht.