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Charles Dellon, a French surgeon of XVII century, his popularity and his misfortunes in India
N.N. 1964

Institution: Osmania Medical College Hyderabad - Department of History of Medicine
Journal: Bulletin of the Department of History of Medicine - Osmania Medical College
Volume: 2
Number: 3
PageRange: 185-196
PlacePublished: Hyderabad
Keywords: Allopathy/daktarī; Medical History
Region: South Asia
Language: English
TimePeriod: Colonial India
CategoryAndGenre: Research Literature; Biography; Article
Citation: N.N., "Charles Dellon, a French surgeon of XVII century, his popularity and his misfortunes in India". Bulletin of the Department of History of Medicine - Osmania Medical College. 2. Hyderabad, 185-196. 1964.