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Mādhavanidāna: with "Madhukosa", the commentary by Vijayarakṣita and Srīkaṇṭhadatta (Ch. 1-10), the
N.N. 2008

LongWorkContributors: Introd., transl. and notes by G.J. Meulenbeld
Editors: Meulenbeld, G. Jan
Volume: 9
PlacePublished: Delhi
SeriesTitle: Indian Medical Tradition
Library: Seminar für Orientalistik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Shelf-Mark: 6.9.6/838
Keywords: Ayurveda; Medical History
Region: South Asia
Language: English
TimePeriod: Pre-Mughal Age
CategoryAndGenre: Primary Literature; Research Literature; Historiography
Citation: Meulenbeld, G. Jan , Mādhavanidāna: with "Madhukosa", the commentary by Vijayarakṣita and Srīkaṇṭhadatta (Ch. 1-10), the, Delhi, 2008 (Indian Medical Tradition).