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Medieval pharmacotherapy - continuity and change: case studies from Ibn Sīnā and some of his late medieval commentators
Paavilainen, Helena M. 2009

PlacePublished: Leiden
Library: Seminar für Orientalistik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Shelf-Mark: 1.9.3/520:40
Keywords: Ṭibb-e yūnānī; Pharmacognosy; Pharmacology; Medical History; Drugs (general)
Region: Middle East; Iran
Language: English
TimePeriod: Pre-Mughal Age
CategoryAndGenre: Research Literature; Historiography; Monograph
Citation: Paavilainen, Helena M., Medieval pharmacotherapy - continuity and change: case studies from Ibn Sīnā and some of his late medieval commentators, Leiden, 2009.