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taʿrīfāt al-ṣiḥḥa al-nafsiyya fī l-islām
Kamāl Ibrāhīm Mursī 1988

LongWorkDescription: maǧallat al-šarīʿa wa-l-dirāsāt al-islāmiyya [ʿilmiyya muḥakkama tuʿnī bi-l-buḥūṯ wa-l-dirāsāt al-islāmiyya taṣdur ʿan ǧāmiʿat al-Kuwayt kull arbaʿa ašhur]
Editors: Aḥmad Ḥasan Farḥāt
Number: 12
PageRange: 219-260
PlacePublished: Kuwait
Abstract: The study deals with the Islamic definition of mental health. The following definitions of mental health are discussed with regard to Islam, behaviourism, psychoanalysis and psychology: mental health as 1) being free of anxiety, fear, tension and conflict, 2) balance for oneself and between psychic, mental and spiritual needs (Platon, al-Ġazālī, Ibn al-Qaym, Muḥammad ʿUṯmān Naǧātī, Freud), 3) adapting of the individual to the society, 4) happiness, when psychic and social needs are satisfied, 5) self realization through social activities that cause complacency. The author defines mental health Islamically as follows: Mental health is a psychic condition in which the human being feels satisfaction, security and happiness meanwhile he lives a morally right life that makes him come closer to God, himself and others. The concept of “beauty of creation” is central and introduced by describing its different spheres.
ArabicPersianTitle: تعريفات الصحة النفسية في الاسلام
ArabicPersianAuthor: كمال ابراهيم مرسي
Keywords: Philosophy and Ethics; Medical Ethics/Professional Ethics; Soul and Self
Region: Middle East
Citation: Kamāl Ibrāhīm Mursī, "taʿrīfāt al-ṣiḥḥa al-nafsiyya fī l-islām". Kuwait, 219-260. 1988.