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Ǧawāmiʿ Kitāb an-Nabḍ aṣ-ṣaġīr
Galen (Ǧālīnūs) 2007

LongWorkDescription: Taḥqīq, tadvīn va tarǧama Ḥakīm Ẓill ar-Raḥmān
Institution: Ibn Sīnā Akāḋemī
PlacePublished: ʿAlīgaṙh
Library: Seminar für Orientalistik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Shelf-Mark: 1.9.3/310:42
Keywords: Ṭibb-e yūnānī; Allopathy/daktarī; Medical Theory and Methodology
Region: South Asia
Language: Urdu
TimePeriod: India (after Partition)
CategoryAndGenre: Primary Literature; Medical Treatise; Monograph; Translation
Citation: Galen (Ǧālīnūs), Ǧawāmiʿ Kitāb an-Nabḍ aṣ-ṣaġīr, ʿAlīgaṙh, 2007.