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Expanding the horizon of integrative medicine: Proceedings of the Second Hamdard International Integrative Medicine Conference, November 24-26, 2008
N.N. 2012

Editors: Board of eds.: Sadia Rashid
Institution: Hamdard University, Faculty of Eastern Medicine
PlacePublished: Karachi
Library: Seminar für Orientalistik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Shelf-Mark: 6.9.6/768
Keywords: Ṭibb-e yūnānī; Ayurveda; Homeopathy; Allopathy/daktarī
Region: South Asia
Language: English
CategoryAndGenre: Research Literature
Citation: Board of eds.: Sadia Rashid, Expanding the horizon of integrative medicine: Proceedings of the Second Hamdard International Integrative Medicine Conference, November 24-26, 2008, Karachi, 2012.