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Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000
N.N. 2002

Editors: Ernst, Waltraut (ed.)
PlacePublished: London et. al.
Publisher: Routledge
SeriesTitle: Routledge Studies in the History of Medicine; 13
ISBN: 0415231221
Abstract: The essays in this collection originate from the research symposium organized by the \"Society for the Social History of Medicine\" at the University of Southampton in 1998. They are concerned with the interaction between different medical approaches during the last two centuries. A variety of methodological approaches are used to challenge narrowly conceived boundaries between disciplines and methodologies.
Library: SB Bochum Orientalistik
Shelf-Mark: 6.9.6./32
Keywords: Ṭibb-e yūnānī; Ayurveda; Homeopathy; Allopathy/daktarī; Pharmacognosy; Pharmacology; Pediatrics; Medical History; Women; Midwifery and Nursing; Pharmaceutical Industry
Region: South Asia; Africa
Language: English
TimePeriod: Colonial India; India (after Partition)
CategoryAndGenre: Research Literature
Citation: Ernst, Waltraut (ed.), Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000, London et. al. : Routledge, 2002 (Routledge Studies in the History of Medicine; 13).
Anthology Entrys: Arguing science: Unani tibb, hakims and biomedicine in India, 1900-50
In search of rational remedies: homoeopathy in nineteenth-century Bengal
Local-global spaces of health: British South Asian mothers and medical pluralism
Indian indigenous pharmaceuticals: tradition, modernity and nature