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Dar taḥqīq-e ibtidā-ye ḥummā (Risāla-ye su’āl va ǧavāb), Risāla
Ḫān, Muḥammad Ḥasan s.t.

Abstract: Presentation of correspondence concerning fever illnesses between the author and some other physicians like Muḥammad Ṣādiq ‘Alī Ḫān
Library: Wellcome Library London
Shelf-Mark: WMS.Per.349
Keywords: Ṭibb-e yūnānī; Patient Care; Fevers
Region: South Asia
Language: Persian
TimePeriod: Colonial India
CategoryAndGenre: Primary Literature
Citation: Ḫān, Muḥammad Ḥasan , Dar taḥqīq-e ibtidā-ye ḥummā (Risāla-ye su’āl va ǧavāb), Risāla, s.t., Wellcome Library London, WMS.Per.349.