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In search of rational remedies: homoeopathy in nineteenth-century Bengal
Arnold, David; Sarkar, Sumit 2002

Title2: Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000
PageRange: 40-57
Keywords: Homeopathy; Pharmacognosy; Pharmacology
Region: South Asia
Language: English
TimePeriod: Colonial India
CategoryAndGenre: Research Literature
Citation: Arnold, David; Sarkar, Sumit, "In search of rational remedies: homoeopathy in nineteenth-century Bengal", in: Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000, London et. al. : Routledge, 2002, (Routledge Studies in the History of Medicine; 13), 40-57.
In Anthology:Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000