Fundamental Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering (FAMSE)

(Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr. Tong Li)

In this lecture we repeat, deepen and widen basic knowledge with special emphasis placed on advanced functional and structural materials and on modern methods of materials science. It introduces a few advanced topics such as combinatorial materials research. We discuss material systems that are presently in the focus of interest: single crystal superalloys, high-entropy alloys, intermetallic phases and shape memory alloys. At the same time, the students gain insight into advanced materials research methods such as thin film combinatorial materials research. Fundamental knowledge from the fields of solid-state thermodynamics, ternary phase diagrams, creep, fracture mechanics and fatigue is briefly summarized and applied to advanced state-of-the-art structural and functional materials.

The class is taught in the summer on Tuesdays from 12:00 am to 2:45 pm.

Lecture Announcement SS 2023:
SoSe23 lecture announcement FAMSE.pdf
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