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M.Sc. Yucen Shen
Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft
Institut für Werkstoffe
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum

Gebäude ICFO, Ebene 04, Raum 337
Activities: Research Assistant
On the influence of temperature on the chemical triggering of the one way effect in shsape memory polymers. Yucen Shen’s work builds on the results, which were obtained by Hakan Dumlu and Axel Marquardt in their studies. She works on open questions regarding a peculiar behavior which is observed for small endloads. Regarding the diffusion of small molecules into the polymer, she considers methanol, ethanol and propanol with emphasis placed on how strong temperature affects diffusion and actuation. She started her work in summer 2020 as a doctoral student of the IMPRS SurMat. She collaborates with Fatollah Varnik from ICAMS, who models the material behavior.

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