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Kornelia Strieso
Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft
Institut für Werkstoffe
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum

Gebäude ICFO, Ebene 05, Raum 317
Activities: Technician
Kornelia Strieso is in charge of metallography and optical microscopy at the Chair for Materials Science and Engineering. She looks after the hardness tests (Vickers hardness, micro hardness) and supervises a small SEM (for taking overview micrographs). She takes care of the mechanical and chemical aspects of specimen preparation for all types of microscopic investigations (optical microscopy, SEM and TEM). She shows users how to prepare good specimens and supervises the handling of special chemicals for metallographic etching.

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