
Static dislocation interactions (two slip systems) in thin channels between cuboidal particles
A.Dlouhy, M.Probst-Hein, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A209-310 (2001) pp. 278-282
On the role of martensite in the formation of microstructures in heat resistant 9 to 12 % chromium steels
A.Dronhofer, J.Pesicka, G.Eggeler
J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001), Pr8-235 - Pr8-240
On the role of dynamic recrystallisation during creep of near-gamma titanium aluminides, in: Recrystallization and Grain Growth
G.Eggeler, B.Skrotzki, T.Rudolf
Proceedings of the First Joint International Conference August 2001, edited by: G.Gottstein and D.A.Molodov, Springer, Berlin 2001, Volume 2, pp. 911-915
Creep and creep-fatigue of metal matrix composites
Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, 2001, pp. 1757-1759
Brockhaus-Beitrag \"Formgedächtnislegierungen\"
Brockhaus Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 2001
Precipitation hardening - the oldest nanotechnology
Metall, 55 (2001), S. 522-526
Entropy, Transformations and Sustainability of Industrial Life Cycles
Z. Metallkd., 92 (2001) pp. 626-631
Dimensional Changes due to Phase Transformations: A Comparison of Shape Memory Alloys
Ferro-Electric and Ferro-Magnetic Materials, Bulletin Croatian Academie of Sciences and Arts, 4 (2) 2001, pp. 7-22
Hundred years of precipitation hardening
J. of Light Metals, 1 (2001), pp. 127-132
Precipitation hardening - the oldest nanotechnology
K.V.Jata (ed.): Light Weight Alloys for Aerospace Applications VI, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA/USA (2001), pp. 1 - 13
Precipitation from Ferrite
Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, 2001, pp. 7841-7846
Influence of stress state on the kinetics of -channel widening during high temperature and low stress creep of superalloy single crystals
M.Kamaraj, K.Serin, M.Kolbe, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A319-321 (2001) pp. 796-799
On the influence of fibre texture on shear creep behaviour of short fibre reinforced aluminium alloys
G.Kausträter, A.Yawny, J.Schürhoff, G.Eggeler, B.Stöckhert
Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures held at the University College of Swansea in March 2001, edited by: J.D.Parker, The Institute of Materials, London 2001, pp. 207-217
On the role of matrix creep in the high temperature deformation mechanism of short fiber reinforced aluminium alloys
G.Kausträter, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A319-321 (2001) pp. 716-720
Creep and ageing of Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys and the relation between microstructures and martensitic transformations
J.Khalil-Allafi, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Advanced Materials and Processing, PRICM4, Volume II, edited by: S.Hanada, Z.Zhong, S.W.Nam, R.N.Wright, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai 2001, pp. 1855-1858
On the influence of precipitation and dislocation substructure on phase transition temperatures in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
J.Khalil-Allafi, A.Dlouhy, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001), Pr8-529 - Pr8-534
Nucleation of omega phase in an Al-Cu-Mg-Mn-Ag alloy aged at temperatures below 200 °C
A.K.Mukhopadhyay, G.Eggeler, B.Skrotzki
Scripta Mat., 44 (2001) pp. 545-551
Miniature tensile and shear creep experiments for the characterization of gas turbine blade materials
J.Murken, K.Serin, G.Eggeler
Proceedings of Baltica V - International Conference on Condition and Life Management for Power Plants, Porvoo, Finland, held in June 2001, edited by: Seija Hietanen and Pertti Auerkari, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo 2001, Volume 2, pp. 583-591
Dislocation interactions in different γ-channels between γ\'-particles of superalloy single crystals
M.Probst-Hein, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A319-321 (2001) pp. 379-382
Synthesis Report of BRITE EURAM Project BE 96-3911: Predictive microstructural assessment and micromechanical modelling of deformation and damage accumulation in single crystal gas turbine blading (MICROMOD-SX)
M.Probst-Hein, G.Eggeler, B.Dyson
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, January 2001
Microstructural evolution during creep of a duplex near-γ TiAl-alloy
T.Rudolf, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A319-321 (2001) pp. 815-819
Kinetics of gamma-channel widening in super alloy single crystals under conditions of high temperature and low stress creep
K.Serin, G.Eggeler
Creep and Fracture of Engineering an Materials & Structures, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures held at the University College of Swansea in March 2001, edited by: J.D.Parker, The Institute of Materials, London 2001, pp. 385-392
Eine quantitative metallographische Studie zur Floßbildung und zur Kanalverbreiterung beim Kriechen einkristalliner Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen
K.Serin, R.D.Neuser, G.Eggeler, M.Kamaraj, M.Kolbe, M.Heitkemper
Prakt. Met., 38 (2001) S. 667-698
Comparison of laser-beam welding and friction stir welding of age-hardenable aluminium alloys
B.Skrotzki, J.Murken, B.Heinz
M.Tiryakioglu (ed.): Advances in the Metallurgy of Aluminium Alloys - Proc. of the James T. Staley Honorary Symposium on Aluminium Alloys, ASM-International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 2001, pp. 343-350
Kriechen und Stabilität des Gefüges einer intermetallischen near-γ Titanaluminid-Legierung
B.Skrotzki, Th.Rudolf
Metall, (2001) S. 274-277
On the effect of stress on nucleation, growth, and coarsening of precipitates in age-hardenable aluminium alloys
B.Skrotzki, J.Murken
K.V.Jata (ed.): Light Weight Alloys for Aerospace Applications VI, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA/USA (2001), pp. 51-62
Effects of different thermomechanical treatments on fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys
J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001), EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, pp. 535-540
Microstructural assessment of fibre damage after tensile and shear creep deformation in short fibre reinforced aluminium alloys with a fibre volume fraction of 8 %
A.Yawny, G.Kausträter, R.Valek, J.Schürhoff, G.Eggeler, B.Stöckhert
Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures held at the University College of Swansea in March 2001, edited by: J.D.Parker, The Institute of Materials, London 2001, pp. 219-228
A creep finite element analysis of indentation creep testing in two phase microstructures (particle/matrix- and thin film/substrate-systems)
Z.F.Yue, G.Eggeler, B.Stöckhert
Comp. Mat. Sci., 21 (2001) pp. 37-56
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