
Mircrostructural evolution and functional fatigue of a Ti-25Ta high-temperature shape memory alloy
H.J.Maier et al.
Focus Issue of the Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 32, No. 23, (2017) pp. 4287-4295
Grain Nucleation and Growth in Deformed niTi Shape Memory Alloys. An In Situ TEM Study
J.Burow, J.Frenzel, C.Somsen, E.Prokofiev, R.Valiev, G.Eggeler
Shap. Mem. Superelasticity (2017), Vol. 3, No. 4, 347-360
An In Vitro Comparison Study of the Use of a Drill or a Saw in the Hunsuck-Dal Pont modification of the Obwegeser Sagittal Split Osteotomy in Pig Mandibles
R.Böckmann, K.Neuking, P.Kessler
J. Oral Maxillofac Surg 2017, 1742.e1-1742.e9
High-throughput structural and functional characterization of the thin film materials system Ni-Co-Al
P.Decker, D.Naujoks, D.Langenkaemper, C.Somsen, A.Ludwig
ACS Combinatorial Science, 19 (2017) pp. 618-624
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Advanced Metallic Alloys in Honor of Prof. Haël Mughrabi – Part B – High Temperature and Nanomaterials, Introduction
M.Göken, G.Eggeler, Y.Zhu, L.Lu
Focus Issue of the Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 32, No. 24, (2017) pp. 4463-4465
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Advanced Metallic Alloys in Honor of Prof. Haël Mughrabi – Part A – Fracture and Fatigue, Introduction
M.Göken, G.Eggeler, Y.Zhu, L.Lu
Focus Issue of the Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 32, No. 23, (2017) pp. 4273-4275
On the evolution of cast microstructures during processing of single crystal Ni-base superalloys using a Bridgman seed technique
P.Hallensleben, H.Schaar, P.Thome, N.Jöns, A.Jafarizadeh, I.Steinbach, G.Eggeler, J.Frenzel
Materials & Design 128 (2017) 98-111
Transmission electron microscopy study of the microstructural evolution during high-temperature low-stress shear creep deformation of the superalloy single crystal LEK 94
L.A.Jacome, G.Goebenli, G.Eggeler
Journal Mat. Res., 32 (2017) pp. 4491-4502
Bioactivity and electrochemical behavior of hydroxyapatite-silicon-multi walled carbon nano-tubes composite coatings synthesized by EPD on NiTi alloys in simulated body fluid
V.Khalili, J.Khalil-Allafi, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng. C 71 (2017) 473-482
Composition, Constitution and Phase Transformation Behavior in Thin-Film and Bulk Ti-Ni-Y
D.König, P.Frowein, A.Wieczorek, J.Frenzel, S.Hamann, G.Eggeler, A.Ludwig
Shap. Mem. Superelasticity (2017) 3, 49-56, DOI: 10.1007/s40830-016-0098-4
Reasons for the superior mechanical properties of medium-entropy CrCoNi compared to high-entropy CrMnFeCoNi
G.Laplanche, A.Kostka, C.Reinhart, J.Hunfeld, G.Eggeler, E.P.George
Acta Materialia 128 (2017) 292-303
Effect of temperature and texture on the reorientation of martensite variants in NiTi shape memory alloys
G.Laplanche, T.Birk, S.Schneider, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Acta Materialia 127 (2017) 143-152
Molecular dynamics simulations of entangled polymers: The effect of small molecules on the glass transition temperature
E.Mahmoudinezhad, A.Marquardt, G.Eggeler, F.Varnik
Procedia Computer Science 108C (2017) 265-271
Microstructural evolution and functional fatigue of a Ti-25Ta high-temperature shape memory alloy
H.J.Maier, E.Karsten, A.Paulsen, D.Langenkämper, P.Decker, J.Frenzel, C.Somsen, A.Ludwig, G.Eggeler, T.Niendorf
J. Mater. Res. (2017) 9 pages, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.319
Identification of a ternary µ-phase in the Co-Ti-W system – An dvanced correlative thin-film and bulk combinatorial materials investigation
D.Naujoks, Y.M.Eggeler, P.Hallensleben, J.Frenzel, S.G.Fries, M.Palumbo, J.Koßmann, T.Hammerschmidt, J.Pfetzing-Micklich, G.Eggeler, E.Spiecker, R.Drautz, A.Ludwig
Acta Materialia 138 (2017) 100-110
Rejuvenation of creep resistance of a Ni-base-single-crystal superalloy by hot isostatic pressing
B.Ruttert, D.Bürger, L.Mujica Roncery, A.Basir Parsa, P.Wollgramm, G.Eggeler, W.Theisen
Materials and Design 134 (2017) 418-425
On the competition between the stress-induced formation of martensite and dislocation plasticity during crack propagation in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys
T.Ungar, J.Frenzel, S.Gollerthan, G.Ribarik, L.Balogh, G.Eggeler
J. Mater. Res. (2017) 10 pages, dedicated to the 80th Birthday of Prof. Haël Mughrabi, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.267
Optimizing Ni-Ti-based shape memory alloys for ferroic cooling
A.Wieczorek, J.Frenzel, M.Schmidt, B.Maaß, S.Seelecke, A.Schütze, G.Eggeler
Funct. Mat. Letters, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2017) 1740001-1 (8 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S179360471740001X
On the Early Stages of Low Temperature and High Stress Creep of Single Crystal Ni-base Superalloys
X.Wu, A.Dlouhy, P.Wollgramm, C.Somsen, A.Kostka, G.Eggeler
JSPS Report of the 123rd Committee on Heat Resisting Materials and Alloys, vol. 58, 3 (2017) 259-264
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