
Investigations on Cu-particle coarsening in Cu/ZnO methanol catalysts under reaction conditions, Proceedings CD-ROM of Materials Week 2002
M.C.Carroll, B.Skrotzki, M.Kurtz, G.Muhler, G.Eggeler
Werkstoffwoche-Partnerschaft GBRmbH, Frankfurt
Creep of binary Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys and the influence of pre-creep on martensitic transformations
G.Eggeler, J.Khalil-Allafi, K.Neuking, A.Dlouhy
Z. Metallkd., 93 (2002) pp. 654-660
Buchbesprechung von \"Smart Structures - Analysis and Design\"
von A.V.Shrinivasan und D.M.McFarland (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2001), in: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 74 (2002) S. 327
Neue Werkstoffe: Mehr als die Natur erlaubt, in: Die heimlichen Siegerbranchen - Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren
G.Eggeler, M.Epple
Herausgeber: P.Löw, W.Koch, J.Wegmann, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt 2002, S. 165-187
Comparison of laparoscopic aortic clamps in a pulsatile circulation model
B.Geier, K.Neuking, A.Mumme, G.Eggeler, L.Barbara
B.Geier, K.Neuking, A.Mumme, G.Eggeler, L.Barbara
Journ. Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques - Part A, 12 (2002) pp. 317-326
Effects of thermomechanical pre-treatments on pseudo-Elastic Fatigue of a NiTi Alloy
A.Heckmann, E.Hornbogen
Mat. Sci. Forum Vols. 394-395 (2002), pp. 325-328
Characterization of a Friction-Stir-Welded Aluminium Alloy 6013
B.Heinz, B.Skrotzki
Met. Mat. Trans. B, 33 (2002) pp. 489-498
Some effects of martensitic transformation on fatigue resistance
Fatigue Fract Engng. Mat. Struct., 25 (2002) pp. 785-790
Microstructure and texture of ausformed NiTi
E.Hornbogen, G.Brückner, G.Gottstein
Z. Metallkd., 93 (2002) pp. 3-6
Back flow creep phenomena in short fibre reinforced aluminium alloys
G.Kausträter, A.Yawny, M.Wagner, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Forum Vols. 396-402 (2002) pp. 1303 -1308 (Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland)
The mechanism of multiple step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
J.Khalil-Allafi, X.Ren, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 50 (2002) pp. 793-803
Ni4Ti3-precipitation during aging of NiTi shape memory alloys and its influence on martensitic phase transformations
J.Khalil-Allafi, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 50 (2002) pp. 4255-4274
The creep bahaviour of a NiTi-alloy and the effect of creep deformation on it\'s shape memory properties
E.Kobus, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler, I.Wittkamp
Prakt. Metallogr. 39 (2002) 4, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, S. 177-186
Quantitative Charakterisierung der Mikrostruktur einer Al-Si-Ge-Legierung nach isothermer Auslagerung mit und ohne Spannung
J.Murken, O.Girard, B.Skrotzki
Prakt. Metallogr., 39 (2002), S. 36-52
On the effect of combined thermal and mechanical loading on the microstructural evolution of an Al-Mg-Li alloy
J.Murken, R.Höhner, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Mat. Science Forum Vols. 396-402 (2002) pp. 1291-11296 (Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland)
Ti-Zr-Ni high temperature shape memory thin films formed by low-temperature crystallization in the amorphous state
T.Sawaguchi, M.Sato, A.Ishida
Proceedings CD-ROM of Materials Week 2002, Werkstoffwoche-Partnerschaft GBRmbH, Frankfurt
Damage characterisation of short fibre reinforced Al alloys correlated with high temperature mechanical behaviour under constant load and constant deformation rate conditions
J.Schürhoff, A.Yawny, G.Kausträter, B.Skrotzki
Proceedings CD-ROM of Materials Week 2002, Werkstoffwoche-Partnerschaft GBRmbH, Frankfurt
Influence of Nb content and processing conditions on microstructure and functional properties of NiTiNb shape memory alloys
W.Siegert, K.Neuking, M.Mertmann, G.Eggeler
Mat.Sc.Forum Vols. 394-395 (2002) pp. 361-364
Texture and quantitative phase analysis of aged Ni-rich NiTi using X-fay and neutron diffractions
H.Sitepu, W.W.Schmahl, J.Khalil Allafi, G.Eggeler, T.Reinecke, H.G.Brokmeier, M.Tovar, D.M.Többens
Mat.Sc.Forum Vols. 394-395 (2002) pp. 237-240
Neutron diffraction phase analysis during thermal cycling of a Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy using the Rietveld method
H.Sitepu, W.W.Schmahl, J.Khalil-Allafi, G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhy, D.M.Többens, M.Tovar
Scripta Mat., 46 (2002) pp. 543-548
Characterization of the microstructural evolution during creep of a near-gamma TiAl alloy
B.Skrotzki, T.Rudolf
Proceedings CD-ROM of Materials Week 2002, Werkstoffwoche-Partnerschaft GBRmbH, Frankfurt
Uniaxial creep behaviour of 8 volume-% short fibre reinforced aluminium alloys
A.Yawny, G.Kausträter, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 46 (2002) pp. 837-842
Influence of boundary conditions on the finite element creep stress and strain analysis of a double shear creep specimen for isotropic creep conditions
Z.F.Yue, M.Probst-Hein, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 33 (2002) S. 404-409