
TEM observation of the internal structures in NbC containing Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloys subjected to pre-deformation above room temperature
A.Baruj, T.Kikuchi, S.Kajiwara
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 337-342
Soldered joints for shape memory components
J.Breidert, J.Michutta, W.Siegert, K.Neuking, E.G.Welp
in: Proceedings of SMST-2003, Editors: A.R.Pelton and T.Duerig (2004), pp. 209-217
Anisotropic strain hardening following load reversal during high-temperature creep testing of superalloy single crystals
M.C.Carroll, K.Serin, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A387-389 (2004) pp. 590-594
Multiple-step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
M.C.Carroll, Ch.Somsen, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 50 (2004) pp. 187-192
A new finite element technology for shape memory alloy composites
D.Christ, S.Reese, K.Neuking
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 35 (2004) pp. 300-306
On the determination of the volume fraction of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in binary Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
A.Dlouhy, J.Khalil-Allafi, G.Eggeler
Z. Metallkd., 95 (2004) pp. 518-524
Creep of a TiAl alloy: a comparison between indentation and tensile testing
D.Dorner, K.Röller, B.Skrotzki, B.Stöckhert, G.Eggeler
Bochumer Geowissenschaften, Arbeiten, Symposium: Tectonics on Human Time Scale, Heft 3 (2004) pp. 127-128
SFB 459 - A Research Center for Progress in Understanding and New Applications for Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs)
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 35 (2004) pp. 253-254
Chemical and microstructural explanations for multiple step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape metal alloys
Proceedings of SMST-2003, Editors: A.R.Pelton and T.Duerig (2004) pp. 67-72
Processing of 30 mm Diameter Cylindrical Ni-rich NiTi Single Crystals with One Family of Ni4Ti3 Precipitates
G.Eggeler, J.Michutta, Ch.Somsen, K.Neuking, A.Yawny, Yu.I.Chumlyakov
Sonderbd. Prakt. Met., 36 (2004) pp. 125-135
Structural and functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys
G.Eggeler, E.Hornbogen, A.Yawny, A.Heckmann, M.Wagner
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 24-33
Die Verwendung verschiedener Feuerfestmaterialien bei der schmelzmetallurgischen Herstellung von NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen
J.Frenzel, Z.Zhang, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Sonderbd. Prakt. Met., 36 (2004) S. 511-516
High quality vacuum induction melting of small quantities of NiTi shape memory alloys in graphite crucibles
J.Frenzel, Z.Zhang, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
J. Alloys Compounds, 385 (2004) pp. 214-223
Induction Melting of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys - The Influence of the Commercial Crucible Graphite on Alloy Quality
J.Frenzel, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 34 (2004) pp. 352-358
Investigation of special inhomogeneities of the thermal properties of a NiTi shape memory alloy device
J.Gibkes, W.Siegert, B.K.Bein, J.Pelzl
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 35 (2004) pp. 272-275
γ-Kanalverbreiterung der Nickelbasis-Superlegierung CMSX-4 in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Spannungszustand
G.Göbenli, K.Serin, G.Eggeler
Sonderbd. Prakt. Met., 36 (2004) pp. 517-522
Surface aspects and fatigue of shape memory alloys (SMAs)
E.Hornbogen, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 34 (2004) pp. 255-259
Microstructure and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Mat. Science Forum Vols. 455-456 (2004) pp. 335-341
On the influence of heterogeneous precipitation on martensitic transformations in a ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy
J.Khalil-Allafi, G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhy, W.W.Schmahl, Ch.Somsen
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 148-151
In-situ diffraction investigation of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under mechanical stress with neutrons and with synchrotron radiation
J.Khalil-Allafi, B.Hasse, M.Klönne, M.Wagner, Th.Pirling, W.Predki, W.W.Schmahl
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 35 (2004) pp. 280-283
The influence of temperature on lattice parameters of coexisting phases in NiTi shape memory alloys - a neutron diffraction study
J.Khalil-Allafi, W.W.Schmahl, M.Wagner, H.Sitepu, D.M.Toebbens, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 161-164
Combinatorial fabrication of magnetic multilayer films
Applied Surface Science, 223 (2004) pp. 78-83
Martensitic phase transformation in Ni-rich NiTi single crystals with one family of Ni4Ti3 precipitates
J.Michutta, M.C.Carroll, A.Yawny, Ch.Somsen, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 152-156
Influence of compression aging on phase transition temperatures in single crystalline Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
J.Michutta, A.Yawny, M.C.Carroll, Ch.Somsen, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 34 (2004) pp. 289-293
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen in der Wälzlagertechnik
K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Studie für die FAG Industrial Bearings and Services AG, Schweinfurt, Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, November 2004
Free dislocations and boundary dislocations in tempered martensite ferritic steel
J.Pesicka, A.Dronhofer, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A387-389 (2004) pp. 176-180
Metallographische Untersuchungen von NiTi-Wellen eines nicht-linearen Bohrsystems für den mikrotherapeutischen Einsatz
J.Richter, A.Bracke, M.Wagner, G.Eggeler, D.Grönemeyer
in: Vortragstexte der 37. Metallographie-Tagung, 17-19. Sept. 2003 in Berlin, Ed.. Pedro Portella, by Werkstoff-Informationsges. mbH (2004), S. 475-480
Investigation of the phase evolution in a super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy (50.7 at. % Ni) under extensional load with synchrotron radiation
W.W.Schmahl, J.Khalil-Allafi, B.Hasse, M.Wagner, A.Heckmann, Ch.Somsen
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 81-85
Fibre breakage in short fibre reinforced metal matrix composites during creep and constant strain rate compression testing
J.Schürhoff, A.Yawny, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A387-389 (2004) pp. 896-899
On the influence of stress state, stress level and temperature on channel-wideing in the single crystal superalloy CMSX-4
K.Serin, G.Göbenli, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A387-389 (2004) pp. 133-137
Influence of iridium on the martensitic transformation in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys
Ch.Somsen, J.Khalil-Allafi, E.P.George
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 170-174
Structural fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory wires
M.Wagner, T.Sawaguchi, G.Kausträter, D.Höffken, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A378 (2004) pp. 105-109
Design of a Medical Non-Linear Drilling Device: The Influence of Twist and Wear on the Fatigue Behaviour of NiTi Wires Subjected to Bending Rotation
M.Wagner, J.Richter, J.Frenzel, D.Grönemeyer, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 34 (2004) pp. 320-325
Functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory coil spring actuators, Actuator 2004, 9th International Conference on New Actuators
M.Wagner, J.-K.Yu, G.Kausträter, G.Eggeler
Conference Proceedings, edited by Hubert Borgmann, HVG Hanseatische Veranstaltungs-GmbH, Bremen, Germany, 2004, pp. 629-632
Assessment of back stress and load transfer approaches for rationalizing creep of short fibre reinforced aluminium alloys
A.Yawny, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A387-389 (2004) pp. 905-909
Superelasticity of free-standing NiTi films depending on the oxygen impurity of the user targets
C.Zamponi, H.Rumpf, B.Wehner, J.Frenzel, E.Quandt
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 35 (2004) pp. 359-364