
On the stress and temperature dependence of low temperature and high stress shear creep in Ni-base singe crystal superalloys
D.Bürger, A.Dlouhy, K.Yoshimi, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng. A 795 (2020) 139961
How Nanoscale Dislocation Reactions Govern Low-Temperature and High-Stress Creep of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys
D.Bürger, A.Dlouhy, K.Yoshimi, G.Eggeler
Crystals 10 (2020), 134, doi: 10.3390/cryst10020134
On the influence of crystallography on creep of circular notched single crystal superalloy specimens
L.Cao, P.Thome, L.Agudo Jácome, C.Somsen, G.Cailletaud, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng. A 782 (2020) 139255
Interdiffusion in Cr-Fe-Co-Ni medium-entropy alloys
A.Durand, L.Peng, G.Laplanche, J.R.Morris, E.P.George, G.Eggeler
Intremetallics 122 (2020) 106789
On the Importance of Structural and Functional fatigue in Shape Memory Technology
Shap. Mem. Superelstasticity (2020) 6, 213-222,
On the rhenium segregation at the low angle grain boundary in a single crystal Ni-base superalloy
J.He, F.Scholz, O.M.Horst, P.Thome, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler, B.Gault
Scripta Materialia 185 (2020) pp. 88-93
Pattern-forming nanoprecipitates in NiTi-related high entropy shape memory alloys
C.Hinte, K.Barienti, J.Steinbrücker, G.Gerstein, M.A.Swider, S.Herbst, G.Eggeler, H.J.Maier
Scripta Materialia 186 (2020) pp. 132-135
The Effect of Increasing Chemical Complexity on the Mechanical and Functional Behavior of NiTi-Related Shape Memory Alloys
C.Hinte, K.Barienti, J.Steinbrücker, J.-M.Hartmann, G.Gerstein, S.Herbst, D.Piorunek, et al.
Shap. Mem. Superelstasticity (2020) 6, 181-190,
Exploring the fundamentals of Ni-based superalloy single crystal (SX) alloy design: Chemical composition vs. microstructure
O.M.Horst, D.Adler, P.Git, H.Wang, J.Streitberger, M.Holtkamp, N.Jöns, R.F.Singer, C.Körner, G.Eggeler
Materials and Design 195 (2020) 108976
On the influence of Alloy Composition on Creep Behavior of Ni-Based Single-Crystal Superalloys (SXs)
O.M.Horst, S.Ibrahimkhel, J.Streitberger, N.Wochmjakow, P.Git, F.Scholz, P.Thome, R.F.Singer, C.Körner, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Proceedings Superalloys 2020, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series,
Data related to the growth of σ-phase precipitates in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys: Temporal evolutions of precipitate dimensions and concentration profiles at interfaces
G. Laplanche
Data in Brief 33 (2020) 106449
Growth kinetics of σ-phase precipitates and underlying diffusion processes in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys
G. Laplanche
Acta Materialia 199 (2020) 193-208
Processing of a single-crystalline CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy and evolution of its thermal expansion and elastic stiffness coefficients with temperature
G.Laplanche, M.Schneider, F.Scholz, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler, J.Schreuer
Scripta Materialia 177 (2020) pp. 44-48
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Phase Formation and Mechanical Properties in Cr-Co-Ni Alloys Processed Using a Novel Thin-Film Quenching Technique
D.Naujoks, M.Schneider, S.Salomon, J.Pfetzing-Micklich, A.Puchakayala Appaiah Subramanyam, T.Hammerschmidt, R.Drautz, J.Frenzel, A.Kostka, G.Eggeler, G.Laplanche, A.Ludwig
ACS Comb. Sci. (2020) 22, pp. 232-247
Burst-like reverse martensitic transformation during heating, cooling and under isothermal conditions in stabilized Ni-Ti-Nb
C.Picornell, J.Pons, A.Paulsen, J.Frenzel, V.Kaminski, K.Sapozhnikov, J.Van Humbeeck, S.Kustov
Scripta Materialia 180 (2020) 23-28
Chemical complexity, microstructure and martensitic transformation in high entropy shape memory alloys
D.Piorunek, J.Frenzel, N.Jöns, C.Somsen, G.Eggeler
Intermetallics 122 (2020) 106792
Deformation mechanisms in a superelastic NiTi alloy: An in-situ high resolution digital image correlation study
E. Polatidis, M. Šmíd, I. Kuběna, W.-N. Hsu, G. Laplanche, H. Van Swygenhoven
Materials and Design 191 (2020) 108622
Orientation-Dependent Deformation Behavior of 316L Steel Manufactured by Laser Metal Deposition and Casting under Local Scratch and Indentatioan Load
F.Pöhl, C.Hardes, F.Scholz, J.Frenzel
Materials (2020) 13, 1765, doi:10.3390/ma13071765
Effects of cryogenic temperature and grain size on fatigue-crack propagation in the medium-entropy CrCoNi alloy
J. Rackwitz, Q. Yu, Y. Yang, G. Laplanche. E. P. George, A. M. Minor, R. O. Ritchie
Acta Materialia 200 (2020) 351–365
Data compilation on the effect of grain size, temperature, and texture on the strength of a single-phase FCC MnFeNi medium-entropy alloy
M. Schneider, F. Werner, D. Langenkämper, C. Reinhart, G. Laplanche
Data in brief 28 (2020) 104807
Analysis of strengthening due to grain boundaries and annealing twin boundaries in the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
M.Schneider, E.P.George, T.J.Manescau, T.Zalezak, J.Hunfeld, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler, G.Laplanche
Int. Journal of Plasticity 124 (2020) pp. 155-169
Comparison of cryogenic deformation of the concentrated solid solutions CoCrFeMnNi, CoCrNi and CoNi
A.S. Tirunilai, T. Hanemann, C. Reinhart, V. Tschan, K.-P. Weiss, G. Laplanche, J. Freudenberger, M. Heilmaier, A. Kauffmann
Materials Science & Engineering A 783 (2020) 139290
Surface modification of NiTi alloy by ultrashort pulsed laser shock peening
H.Wang, Y.Kalchev, H.Wang, K.Yan, E.L.Gurevich, A.Ostendorf
Surface & Coatings Technology 394 (2020) 125899,
Revealing the two-step nucleation and growth mechanism of vanadium carbonitrides in microalloyed steels
H.Wang, Y.Li, E.Detemple, G.Eggeler
Scripta Materialia 187 (2020) 350-354
Unveiling the Re effect in Ni-based single crystal superalloys
X.Wu, S.K.Makineni, C.H.Liebscher, G.Dehm, J.R.Mianroodi, P.Shanthraj, B.Svendsen, D.Bürger, G.Eggeler, D.Raabe, B.Gault
Nautre Communications 11 (2020) 389,
Mechanism of collective interstitial ordering in Fe-C alloys
X.Zhang, H.Wang, T.Hickel, J.Rogal, Y.Li, J.Neugebauer
Nature Materials 19 (2020) 849-854
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