
Examination of observed and predicted measures of creep cavitation damage accumulation
J.M.Brear, J.M.Church, G.Eggeler
Proceedings of Baltica IV - International Conference on Plant Maintenance for Managing Life & Performance, Helsinki - Stockholm - Helsinki, held in September 1998, edited by: Seija Hietanen and Pertti Auerkari, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo 1998, Volume 2, pp. 575-586
Transmission electron microscopy contrast simulations of <100>-superdislocations in the L12 ordered structure
A.Dlouhy, R.Schäublin, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 39 (1998) pp. 1325-1332
Dislocation Fiber Interactions in short fiber reinforced metal matrix composites during creep and during thermal cycling
G.Eggeler, J.Earthman
Scripta Mat., 38 (1997) pp. 341-348
Werkstoffe mit Formgedächtnis
G.Eggeler, E.Hornbogen
DAS MAGAZIN, herausgegeben vom Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrheinwestfalen, 9.Jahrgang 1998, Ausgabe 1, S.14/15
Formgedächtnislegierungen, Materialwissenschaften - No 2, Forschungsschwerpunkte und Informationen
G.Eggeler, E.Hornbogen
Herausgeber: Materialforum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Sommersemester 1998, S.1/2
Festschrift zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Bernhard Ilschner
G.Eggeler (Herausgeber)
zu beziehen beim Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Mai 1998
Martensitic transformation of a CuZnAl-shape memory alloy strengthened by hot-rolling
M.Franz, E.Hornbogen
Mat. Sci. Eng., A252 (1998) pp. 157-165
High temperature double shear creep deformation of Ni-based superalloy single crystals
M.Kamaraj, K.Neuking, M.Kolbe, G.Eggeler
Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 1998, edited by: J.Lecomte-Beckers, F.Schubert and P.J.Ennis, Proceedings of the 6th Liège Conference - Part II, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich - Energy Technology, ISBN 3-89336-228-2, pp. 1175-1184
On the influence of stress state on rafting in the single crystal superalloy CMSX6 under conditions of high temperature and low stress creep
M.Kamaraj, C.Mayr, M.Kolbe, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 38 (1998) pp. 589-594
Dislocation reactions at \'-interfaces during shear creep deformation in the macroscopic crystallographic shear system (001)[110] of CMSX6 superalloy single crystals at 1025°C
M.Kolbe, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A246 (1998) pp. 133-142
Rapidly quenched micropreforms made of biocompatible alloys for precise high quality soldering of medical devices
H.Monstadt, M.Bohl, E.Kobus, M.Hühner, G.Eggeler
the Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Welding, held in Aachen in June 1998 organized by E.Lugscheider, DVS-Berichte Band 192 (ISBN 3-87155-498-7), Düsseldorf 1998, pp. 179-181
Precision soldering of medical devices
H.Monstadt, M.Bohl, J.Speder, E.Kobus, M.Hühner
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Welding; Aachen (June 1998); DVS-Berichte Band 192, ISBN 3-87155-498-7), Düsseldorf 1998, pp. 282-285
On the role of mechanical twinning in creep of a near- TiAl-alloy with duplex microstructure
B.Skrotzki, M.Ünal, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 39 (1998) pp. 1023-1029
Microstructural evidence for dynamic recrystallization during creep of a duplex near- TiAl-alloy
B.Skrotzki, T.Rudolf, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Scripta Mat., 39 (1998) pp. 1545-1551
Creep behavior and microstructural evolution of a near- TiAl-alloy with duplex microstructure
B.Skrotzki, T.Rudolf, G.Eggeler
Z. Metallkd., 90 (1999) pp. 393-402
Development of a new creep specimen for medium and high temperature tests
B.Skrotzki, K.Neuking, Ch.Mayr, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 29 (1998) S. 137-140
Effect of fiber volume fractions, geometry and fiber breakage on creep in short fiber reinforced aluminium alloys
B.Skrotzki, M.Staubach, J.Phillips, G.Eggeler
Advanced Light Alloys and Composites (September 1998); editor: R.Ciach (3. High Technology - Vol 59), Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, pp. 131-136
Temperature and microstructure dependence of mechanical properties of B2-structure based shape-memory alloys
J.Spielfeld, E.Hornbogen
IUTAM Symposium on Micro and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity, editors: O.T.Bruhns and E.Stein, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, 1998, pp. 325-334
Thermomechanical treatment of shape memory alloys by ausforming and marforming
D.Treppmann, E.Hornbogen, D.Wurzel
Z. Metallkd. 89 (1998) 2, pp. 126-134
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