
Tracer diffusion under a concentration gradient: A pathway for a consistent development of mobility databases in multicomponent alloys
D. Gaertner, J. Kundin, N. Esakkiraja, J. Berndt, A. Durand, J. Kottke, S. Klemme, G. Laplanche, G. Eggeler, G. Wilde, A. Paul, I. Steinbach, S. V. Divinski
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 930 (2023) 167301
Influence of pre-existing configurations of dislocations on the initial pop-in load during nanoindentation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
F. Habiyaremye, A. Guitton, X. Chen, T. Richeton, S. Berbenni, F. Schäfer, G. Laplanche, N. Maloufi
Philosophical Magazine
Influence of Deformation Degree at Cold Drawing on Structure-Properties Relationship of a Fe-Ni-Cr Superalloy
S. Huang, J. Hu, X. Li, J. Liu, K. Liu, H. Qin, H. Wang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 930 (2023) 167407
Site occupancies in a chemically complex σ-phase from the high-entropy Cr–Mn–Fe–Co–Ni system
J.-M. Joubert, Y. Kalchev, A. Fantin, J.-C. Crivello, R. Zehl, E. Elkaim, G. Laplanche
Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119277
Cooperative deformation mechanisms in a fatigued CoCrNi multi-principal element alloy: A case of low stacking fault energy
K. Lu, A. Chauhan, D. Litvinov, M. Schneider, G. Laplanche, J. Aktaa
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 180 (2023) 105419
Atomic-Scale Insights into Morphological, Structural, and Compositional Evolution of CoOOH during Oxygen Evolution Reaction
C. Luan, M. Corva, U. Hagemann, H. Wang, M. Heidelmann, K. Tschulik, T. Li
ACS Catal. (2023) 1400–1411
Influence of chemical composition on coarsening kinetics of coherent L12 precipitates in FCC complex concentrated alloys
T. Rieger, J.-M. Joubert, R. Poulain, X. Sauvage, E. Paccou, L. Perriere, I. Guillot, G. Dirras, G. Laplanche, M. Laurent-Brocq, J.-P. Couzinie
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 967 (2023) 171711
Elementary molecular processes that govern the chemical stimulation of a polyurethane-based shape memory polymer
Y. Shen, H. Dumlu, G. Eggeler, K. Neuking
Polymer 280 (2023) 126070
Cyclic deformation behavior of an equiatomic CrFeNi multi-principal element alloy
S. Sisodia, M. Rajkowski, G. Laplanche, A. Chauhan
International Journal of Fatigue 174 (2023) 107723
Influence of cooling rate on the microstructure and room temperature mechanical properties in the refractory AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr superalloy
P. Suárez Ocaño, A. Manzoni, I. Lopez-Galilea, B. Ruttert, G. Laplanche, L. A. Jácome
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 949 (2023) 169871
Effects of stacking fault energy and temperature on grain boundary strengthening intrinsic lattice strength and deformation mechanisms in CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys with different Cr/Ni ratios
C. Wagner, G. Laplanche
Acta Materialia 244 (2023) 118541
Effect of grain size on critical twinning stress and work hardening behavior in the equiatomic CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
C. Wagner, G. Laplanche
International Journal of Plasticity 166 (2023) 103651
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