
Axial-Torsional Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.2B-0.2C
S.Brookes, H.-J.Kühn, B.Skrotzki, H.Klingelhöffer, R.Sievert, J.Pfetzing, G.Eggeler
in: Ti-2007 Science and Technology, M.Niinomi, S.Akiyama, M.Hagiwara, M.Ikeda, K.Maruyama (Eds.), The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, Japan (2007), pp. 679-682
Influence of carbon on martensitic phase transformations in NiTi shape memory alloys
J.Frenzel, Z.Zhang, Ch.Somsen, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 55 (2007) pp. 1331-1341
The Effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on the microstructure of pseudoelastic NiTi with reference to spectacle frame components
M.Frotscher, C.Menges, O.Th.Diehl, G.Eggeler
Prakt. Met., 44 (2007) pp. 317-333
Scanning electron microscopic investigation of the microstructure of pseudoelastic NiTi-stents
M.Frotscher, A.Kröger, Ch.Somsen, K.Neuking, R.Steegmüller, A.Schüßler, G.Eggeler
Prakt. Met., 44 (2007) pp. 208-220
L12-phase cutting during high temperature and low stress creep of a Re-containing single crystal super alloy
A.Kostka, G.Mälzer, G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhy, S.Reese, T.Mack
J. Mat. Sci., 42 (2007) pp. 3951-3957
On the contribution of carbides and micrograin boundaries to the creep strength of tempered martensite ferritic steel
A.Kostka, K.-G.Tak, R.J.Hellmig, Y.Estrin, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 55 (2007) pp. 539-550
Particle incorporation in metallic melts during dendritic solidification-undercooling experiments under reduced gravity
T.Lierfeld, P.Gandham, M.Kolbe, T.Schenk, H.M.Singer, G.Eggeler, D.M.Herlach
Mat. Sci. Eng., A449 (2007) pp. 689-692
Foreword - Proceedings of the Symposium on ultra-fine grained materials - from basics to applications
H.J.Maier, G.Biallas, G.Eggeler, J.Estrin, R.J.Hellmig, M.Göken, H.W.Höppel, G.Gottstein, M.Winning
Met. Mat. Trans., 38A (2007) p. 1881
Miniature Specimen Assessment of Creep of the Single-Crystal Superalloy LEK 94 in the 1000°C Temperature Range
G.Mälzer, R.W.Hayes, T.Mack, G.Eggeler
Met. Mat. Trans., 38A (2007) pp. 314-327
Mechanische und mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen zum Kriechverhalten der einkristallinen Superlegierung LEK 94 bei Temperaturen um 1000°C unter Verwendung einer Minikriechprobe
G. Mälzer (Dissertation)
Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 5, Nr. 728, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf (2007)
Observations of a <010> dislocations during high-temperature creep of a Ni-based superalloy single crystal deformed along the [001] orientation
P.M.Sarosi, R.Srinivasan, G.Eggeler, M.V.Nathal, M.J.Mills
Acta Mat., 55 (2007) pp. 2509-2518
Finite element analysis of pseudoelastic behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy with thin-wall tube under extension-torsion loading
X.M.Wang, M.Frotscher, Y.F.Wang, Z.F.Yue
J. Mat. Sci., 42 (2007) pp. 2443-2449
Controlled etching of carbon nanotubes by iron-catalyzed steam gasification
W.Xia, V.Hagen, S.Kundu, Y.Wang, Ch.Somsen, G.Eggeler, G.Sun, G.Grundmeier, M.Stratmann, M.Muhler
Adv. Mat., 19 (2007) pp. 3648-3652
A numerical procedure for retrieving material creep properties from bending creep tests
B.X.Xu, Z.F.Yue, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 55 (2007) pp. 6275-6283
The FEM simulation of mechanical properties characterization of stents under quasi-static loading/unloading conditions
Y.H.Zhi, X.M.Wang, M.Frotscher, G.Eggeler, Z.F.Yue
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 38 (2007) pp. 862-867
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