
Aktivitätsbericht 1997/98 des Lehrstuhls Werkstoffwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
32 Seiten, zu beziehen beim Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Januar 1999
Hochtemperaturverformung und Quantitative Metallographie
Fortschritte in der Metallographie, Berichte der 10. Internationalen Metallographie-Tagung Leoben, September 1998, Herausgeber: A.Kneissl und F.Jeglitsch, DGM Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt 1999, S. 29-40
Challenges for materials science in the field of creep of advanced engineering alloys
Proceedings of the 20th Ris¢ International Symposium on Materials Science: Deformation-Induced Microstructures - Analysis and Relation to Properties, edited by: J.B.Bilde-Sørensen et al., Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 1999, pp. 25-39
Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe - bis zur Weißglut erhitzt und immer noch fest
RUBIN - Wissenschaftsmagazin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 9. Jahrgang - Sommersemester 99, S.38-42
Forschung und Lehre in den Materialwissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Materialwissenschaften - No 3, Forschungsschwerpunkte und Informationen, Herausgeber: Materialforum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Sommersemester 1999, S.1
Perspektiven der Materialforschung - Grobbeurteilung des materialwissen-schaftlichen Innovationspotentials mit spezieller Berücksichtigung der Forschungs-landschaften in der Schweiz und in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gutachten für das Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrheinwestfalen, 15 Seiten, März 1999
Microstructural threshold events coupled with internal stress evolution: controlling creep mechanisms in advanced engineering materials
G.Eggeler, J.C.Earthman
Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials for the 21st Century, edited by: Rajiv S.Mishra, Amiya K.Mukherjee, K.Linga Murty, A Publication of TMS, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1999, pp. 255-265
A comparative study of ausforming of shape memory alloys with A2 and B2 structures
Mat. Sci. Eng., A273-275 (1999) pp. 630-633
Ausageing and Ausforming of a Copper Based Shape Memory Alloy with High Transformation Temperatures
E.Hornbogen, V.Mertinger, J.Spielfeld
Z. Metallkd., 90 (1999) pp. 318-322
On the effect of TiC particles on the tensile properties and on the intrinsic two way effect of NiTi shape memory alloys produced by powder metallurgy
K.Johansen, H.Voggenreiter, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A273-275 (1999) pp. 410-414
Creep Behavior of AlMg5 and AlZn11 and their fibre reinforced variants
G.Kausträter, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Proceedings of the International Conference on Light Alloys and Composites, held in May 1999 in Zakopane, edited by J.Dutkiewicz et al., Akad. Centrum Graficzno-Marketingowym SA Lordat, Lodz, Poland, ISBN 83-87202-32-0, pp. 335-340
Direct assessment of the creep strength of DS cast turbine blades using miniature creep specimens
M.Kolbe, J.Murken, D.Pistelok, G.Eggeler, H.-J.Klam
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 30 (1999) S. 465-472
A discrete dislocation model for primary creep in gamma/gamma\'-microstructures of superalloy single crystals
M.Probst-Hein, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Modelling of Microstructural Evolution in Creep Resistant Materials, edited by: A.Strang and M.McLean, The Institute of Materials, IOM Communications, London 1999, pp. 247-260
Superposition of external and internal stress components in gamma/gamma\'-microstructures and their effect on gamma-channel dislocations
M.Probst-Hein, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
J. Phys. IV France, 9 (1999) Pr9, pp. 127-136
Interface dislocations in super alloy single crystals
M.Probst-Hein, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 47 (1999) pp. 2497-2510
Microstructural study of elementary creep mechanisms of a duplex near-gamma TiAl-alloy
T.Rudolf, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Proceedings of the International Conference on Light Alloys and Composites, held in May 1999 in Zakopane, edited by J.Dutkiewicz et al., Akad. Centrum Graficzno-Marketingowym SA Lordat, Lodz, Poland, ISBN 83-87202-32-0, pp. 253-258
Quantitative Gefügecharakterisierung einer intermetallischen near-gamma-TiAl-Legierung nach Kriechverformung
T.Rudolf, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Prakt. Met. Sonderbd. 30 (1999), pp. 133-140
Quantitative Charakterisierung der Gefügeänderungen beim Kriechen einer near-gamma TiAl-Legierung
T.Rudolf, B.Skrotzki, G.Eggeler
Prakt. Met., 36 (1999) S. 59-76
Creep behaviour and microstructural evolution of a near-gamma-TiAl alloy with duplex microstructure
B.Skrotzki, T.Rudolf, G.Eggeler
Z.Metallkd. 90 (1999), Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 393-402
Creep Mechanisms in a Near-Gamma-TiAl-Alloy with Duplex Microstructure
Gamma Titanium Aluminides 1999, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1999, pp. 619-626
On the Combination and Interaction of Elementary Microstructural Processes during Creep of a Near-Gamma-TiAl Alloy
Proceedings of the 20th Ris¢ International Symposium on Materials Science: Deformation-Induced Microstructures - Analysis and Relation to Properties, edited by: J.B.Bilde-Sørensen et al., Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 1999, pp. 493-498
On the influence on stress and strain on the coarsening of precipitates in an advanced aerospace Al-alloy at elevated temperature
B.Skrotzki, R.Höhner, G.Kausträter, T.Rudolf, G.Eggeler
Proceedings of the International Conference on Light Alloys and Composites, held in May 1999 in Zakopane, edited by J.Dutkiewicz et al., Akad. Centrum Graficzno-Marketingowym SA Lordat, Lodz, Poland, ISBN 83-87202-32-0, pp. 111-116
Marforming and martempering of a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy
Mat. Sci. Eng., A273-275 (1999) pp. 639-643
Marforming and tempering of binary Ni-Ti alloys including precipitation effects
Mat. Sci. Eng., A273-275 (1999) pp. 634-638
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