
Structural and magnetic characterization of self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticles
M.J.Benitez, D.Mishra, P.Szary, G.A.B.Confalonieri, G.A.Bandini, M.Feyen, A.H.Lu, L.Agudo, G.Eggeler, O.Petracic, H.Zabel
J. Phy. Cond. Matter, 23 (2011) no. 126003
Pilot study of modification of the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) in pig mandibles
R.Boeckmann, P.Schoen, M.Frotscher, G.Eggeler, B.Lethaus, K.D.Wolff
J. Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 39 (2011) pp. 169-172
Tuning the magnetic properties of Co particles by Pt capping
A.Ebbing, L.Agudo, G.Eggeler, O.Petracic
Phys. Rev. B., 84 (2011) Art. No. 012405
Improvement of NiTi shape memory actuator performance through ultra-fine grained and nanocrystalline microstructures
J.Frenzel, J.A.Burow, E.J.Payton, S.Rezanka, G.Eggeler
Adv. Eng. Mat., 13 (2011) pp. 256-268
Stents einfach flechten
MED eng. 3-4 (2011) S. 62-65
Elementary deformation and damage mechanisms during fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi microstents
M.Frotscher, S.N.Wu, T.Simon, Ch.Somsen, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Adv. Eng. Mat., 13 (2011) B181-B186
Processing and characterization of braided NiTi microstents for medical applications
M.Frotscher, F.Schreiber, L.Neelakantan, T.Gries, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 42 (2011) pp. 1002-1012
Achieving small structures in thin NiTi sheets for medical applications with water jet and micro machining: a comparison
M.Frotscher, F.Kahleyss, T.Simon, D.Biermann, G.Eggeler
J. Mat. Eng. Perf., 20 (2011) pp. 77-782
Uptake and intracellular distribution of silver nanoparticles in human mesenchymal stem cells
C.Greulich, J.Diendorf, T.Simon, G.Eggeler, M.Epple, M.Köller
Acta Biomat., 7 (2011) pp. 347-354
Cell type-specific responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to silver nanoparticles
C.Greulich, J.Diendorf, J.Gessmann, T.Simon, T.Habijan, G.Eggeler, T.A.Schildhauer, M.Epple, M.Köller
Acta Biomat., 7 (2011) pp. 3505-3514
On the effect of superimposed external stresses on the nucleation and growth of Ni4Ti3 particles: a parametric phase field study
W.Guo, I.Steinbach, Ch.Somsen, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 59 (2011) pp. 3287-3296
Can human mesenchymal stem cells survive on a NiTi implant subjected to cyclic loading?
T.Habijan, T.Glogowski, S.Kühn, M.Pohl, J.Wittsiepe, C.Greulich, G.Eggeler, T.A.Schildhauer, M.Köller
Acta Biomat., 7 (2011) pp. 2733-2793
Molecular dynamics simulation of microstructure evolution during cyclic martensitic transformations
O.Kastner, G.Eggeler, W.Weiss, G.J.Ackland
Journal of the Mechanics and Phys. Solids, 59 (2011) pp. 1888-1908
On the stress induced formation of R-phase in ultra-fine-grained Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
J.Olbricht, A.Yawny, J.L.Pelegrina, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Met. Mat. Trans., A42 (2011) pp. 2556-2574
On the evolution of microstructure in oxygen-free high conductivity copper during thermo-mechanical processing using rotary-swaging
F.Otto, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 102 (2011) pp. 363-370
On the influence of small quantities of Bi and Sb on the evolution of microstructure during swaging and heat treatments of copper
F.Otto, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
J. Alloys Comp., 509 (2011) pp. 4073-4080
High temperature test rig for inert atmosphere miniature specimen creep testing
D.Peter, F.Otto, T.Depka, P.Nörtershäuser, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 42 (2011) pp. 493-499
Formgedächtnislegierungen auf der Spur
Stahl und Eisen 131, Nr. 1 (2011) S. 74-75
Micro-shear deformation of pure copper
J.Pfetzing-Micklich, S.Brinckmann, S.R.Dey, F.Otto, A.Hartmaier, G.Eggeler
Matwiss. Werkstofftech., 42 (2011) pp.219-223
Phase transformations and functional properties of NiTi alloy with ultrafine-grained structure
E.Prokofiev, J.Burow, J.Frenzel, D.Gunderov, G.Eggeler, R.Valiev
Mat.Sci.Forum Vols. 667-669 (2011) pp. 1059-1064
Finite-element simulation of the anti-buckling-effect of a shape memory alloy bar
F.Richter, O.Kastner, G.Eggeler
J. Mat. Eng. Perform., 20 (2011) pp. 719-730
Stress-strain characterisitics of the one way effect in Tecoflex ® shape memory polymers
C.Schmidt, A.M.S.Chowdhury, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
J. Macormol. Sci., A48 (2011) pp. 204-210
Studies on cycling, processing and programming of the shape memory polymer Tecoflex ®
C.Schmidt, A.M.S.Chowdhury, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
High Perform. Polymers, 23 (2011) pp. 300-307
Modification of the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) in a study using pig mandibles
P.Schoen, M.Frotscher, G.Eggeler, P.Kessler, K.D.Wolff, R.Boeckmann
Int. Journ. Oral Maxillofac. Surgery, 40 (2011) pp. 516-520
On the formation of intermetallic phases during interdiffusion between low-carbon steel and aluminium alloys
H.Springer, A.Kostka, E.J.Payton, D.Raabe, A.Kaysser-Pyzalla, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 59 (2011) pp. 1586-1600
Length-scale modulated and electrocatalytic activity enhanced nanoporous gold by doping
X.G.Wang, J.Frenzel, W.M.Wang, H.Ji, Z.Qi, Z.H.Zhang, G.Eggeler
J. Phys. Chem., 115 (2011) pp. 4456-4465
Martensitic transformation in rapidly solidified Heusler Ni49Mn39Sn12 ribbons
H.X.Zheng, D.Z.Wu, S.C.Xue, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler, Q.J.Zhai
Acta Mat., 59 (2011) pp. 5692-5699
Synthesis and hydriding/dehydriding properties of Mg2Ni-AB (AB=TiNi or TiFe) nanocomposites
Z.Zlatanova, T.Spassov, G.Eggeler, M.Spassova
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) pp. 7559-7566