
High Temperature Dislocation Creep in Different Tensile Directions in LEK 94
L.Agudo Jácome, J.Heyer, P.Nörtershäuser, C.Somsen, A.Dlouhý, G.Eggeler
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper A13
Advanced scanning transmission stereo electron microscopy of structural and functional engineering materials
L.Agudo Jácome, G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhý
Ultramicroscopy 122 (2012) pp. 48-59
Mechanical Behavior of Carbide Strengthened Co-Re Alloys during Creep at1100°C and Microstructural Evolution observed by SEM and OIM
T.Depka, C.Somsen, F.Benesch, V.A.Yardley, G. Eggeler, D.Mukherji, J.Rösler
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper D17
Aktivitätsbericht 2006 - 2011 des Lehrstuhls Werkstoffwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
232 Seiten, zu beziehen beim Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Januar 2012
Caloric Effects in Ferroic Materials: New Concepts for Cooling
S.Faehler, U.K.Roessler, O.Kastner, J.Eckert, G.Eggeler, H.Emmerich, P.Entel, S.Mueller, E.Quandt, K.Albe
Adv. Eng. Mat., 14 (2012) pp. 10-19
Effect of Si addition on the oxidation resistance of Co-Re-Cr-alloys: Recent attainments in the development of novel alloys
B.Gorr, S.Burk, T.Depka, C.Somsen, H.Abu-Samra, H.-J.Christ
Int. J. Mat. Res., 103 (2012) pp. 24-30
First Principles Modelling of Shape Memory Alloys
Springer Series in Materials Science, 163 (2012)
New Investigations of a Short Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite
D.Kurumlu, M.L.Young, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper C33
On the presence of work-hardened zones around fibers in a short-fiber-reinforced Al metal matrix composite
D.Kurumlu, E.J.Payton, Ch.Somsen, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 60 (2012) pp. 6051-6064
High-temperature strength and damage evolution in short fiber reinforced aluminium alloys studied by miniature creep testing and synchrotron microtomography
D.Kurumlu, E.J.Payton, M.L.Young, M.Schöbel, G.Requena, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 60 (2012) pp. 67-78
Pseudoelastic deformation and size effects during in situ transmission electron microscopy tensile testing of NiTi
S.Manchuraju, A.Kröger, C.Somsen, A. Dlouhý, G.Eggeler, P.M.Sarosi, P.M.Anderson, M.J.Mills
Pseudoelastic deformation and size effects during in situ transmission electron microscopy tensile testing of NiTi, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) pp. 2770-2777
Rafting during tensile creep in [001] and [110] directions
P.Nörtershäuser, P.Thome, L.Agudo, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper A8
On the effect of grain boundary segregation on creep and creep rupture
F.Otto, G.B.Viswanathan, E.J.Payton, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 60 (2012) pp. 2982-2998
The effectiveness of coincidence site lattice criteria in predicting creep cavitation resistance
F.Otto, E.J.Payton, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
J. Mater. Sci., 47 (2012) pp. 2915-2927
Revisiting sphere unfolding relationships for the stereological analysis of segmented digital microstructure images
J. Min. Mat. Charact. Eng., 11 (2012) pp. 221-242
On the nature of internal interfaces in tempered martensite ferritic steel and their evolution during long-term creep
E.J.Payton, A.Aghajani, F.Otto, G.Eggeler, V.A.Yardley
Scripta Mat., 66 (2012) pp. 1045-1048
Orientation dependence of stress-induced phase transformation and dislocation plasticity in NiTi shape memory alloys on the micro scale
J.Pfetzing-Micklich, R.Ghisleni, T.Simon, Ch.Somsen, J.Michler, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng., A538 (2012) pp. 265-271
Microstructure evolution during supersolvus heat treatment of a PM nickel-base superalloy
S.L.Semiatin, K.E.McClary, A.D.Rollett, C.R.Roberts, E.J.Payton, F.Zhang, T.P.Gabb
Met. Mat. Trans., A43 (2012) pp. 1649-1661
On the coarsening of the γ/γ’-microstructure in crack tip stress fields of differently oriented single crystalline miniature CT-specimens at 1020°C
P.Wollgramm, P.Nörtershäuser, G.Eggeler
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper A9
Atomic ordering effect in Ni50Mn37Sn13 magnetocaloric ribbons
D.Wu, S.Xue, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler, Q.Zhai, H.Zheng
Mat. Sci. Eng., A534 (2012) pp. 568-572
EBSD analysis of creep cracking in a 12 wt.% Cr tempered martensite ferritic steel
V.A.Yardley, E.J.Payton, T.Matsuzaki, R.Sugiura, A.T.Yokobori Jr., S.Tsurekawa, Y.Hasegawa
in: Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (JIMIS 11), held at Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, May 27 – 31, 2012, Edited by: K.Maruyama, F.Abe, M.Igarashi, K.Kishida, M.Suzuki, K.Yoshimi, The Japan Institute of Metals, Sendai, 2012, paper C14
Cast-Replicated NiTiCu Foams with Superelastic Properties
M.L.Young, J.D.DeFouw, J.Frenzel, D.C.Dunand
Met. Mat. Trans. A, 43A (2012), pp. 2939-2944
Nanoindentation of pseudoelastic NiTi containing Ni4Ti3 precipitates
M.L.Young, M.Frotscher, H.B.Bei, T.Simon, E.P.George, G. Eggeler
Int. J. Mat. Res., 103 (2012) pp. 1434-1439
Dealloying strategy to fabricate ultrafine nanoporous gold-based alloys with high structural stability and tunable magnetic properties
Zh.Zhang, Ch.Zhang, Y.Gao, J.Frenzel, J.Sun, G.Eggeler
CrystEngComm, 14 /2012) pp. 8292-8300
Leaf-like dislocation substructures and the decrease of martensitic start temperatures: A new explanation for functional fatigue during thermally induced martensitic transformations in coarse-grained Ni-rich Ti-Ni shape memory alloys
J.Zhang, C.Somsen, T.Simon, X.Ding, S.Hou, S.Ren, X.Ren, G.Eggeler, K.Otsuka, J.Sun
Acta Mat., 60 (2012) pp. 1999-2006